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Information about a country.


id (Int!)The id of the country.
name (String!)The name of the country.
iso2 (ID!)The two-letter code (ISO Alpha-2) designated to the country.
iso3 (ID!)The three-letter code (ISO Alpha-2) designated to the country.
numeric_code (ID!)The three-digit code (ISO numeric) designated to the country.
phone_code (ID!)The dialing code of the country.
states (StateConnection!)Get a list of states/provinces/regions within the country.
cities (CityConnection!)Get a list of cities within the country.
capital (String!)The capital city of the country.
currency (String!)The currency of the country.
currency_symbol (String!)The currency symbol of the country.
tld (String!)The top-level domain of the country.
native (String!)The native name of the country.
region (String!)The region where the country is located.
subregion (String!)The subregion where the country is located.
timezones ([Timezone!]!)The timezones in the country.
translations (JSONObject!)The translation of the country's name in several languages.
latitude (Float!)The latitude coordinate of the country.
longitude (Float!)The longitude coordinate of the country.
emoji (String!)The emoji flag of the country.
emojiU (String!)The unicode of the country's emoji flag.